
第34回 安堵・安心・安穏

There is an English translation at the bottom of this article. It’s a little bit long, however, please read it when you have time.









夫や妻、子供や孫、友人や、恋する人(そういうの忘れちゃったな 笑)。なかなか「自分だけのこと」、そうはいかないと思うのです。






Peace of mind, security, and tranquility.

If you wish for peace of mind for yourself, then you must first pray for tranquility in the four realms.

If you want to find peace of mind and body, shouldn’t you first pray for peace of mind and calm in the four directions (east, west, north, south, your surroundings, country, and environment)?

Nichiren Shonin ordered that Kochoji Temple be built on the grounds of Numazu Okamiya. In 1922, the 700th anniversary of his birth, he was given the title of “Rissho Daishi” by the government. Along with representatives of each sect, lay people, or ordinary people who are not priests, also participated in the movement for the title. In fact, they have a deep connection with Kochoji Temple and Nishinobo.


One of these was General Shogo Iguchi, who has been a member of Nishinobo temple for generations, and his descendants continue to offer prayers at his grave and Buddhist altar.

In addition, the mountain name plaque of “Tokunagayama” written by Vice Admiral Sato Tetsutaro greets visitors at the temple gate, and a calligraphy piece by Count Togo Heihachiro is also kept at the temple.

We will leave detailed research to the experts, but the following is certain:

  1. The name Rissho Daishi’s “Rissho” is taken from Rissho Ankoku Ron.

That is, 正to receive the great teaching (Myoho Rengekyo)立

  • General Iguchi, Lieutenant General Sato, and Count Togo all worked hard to confer the title of “Daishi.” Each master had a connection with Nichiren Shonin, and although it is unclear how they were awarded, they were aware of Kochoji Temple and Nishinobo, as well as Nichiren Shonin.

It has been 100 years since Taisho 11. In 2022, the 800th anniversary of the birth of Saint Nichiren, Nishinobo aimed to renovate the temple. Unfortunately, due to the impact of the coronavirus, the renovation was postponed until 2022.

So far, I have listed only the facts. Going back to the opening sentence of “Rissho Ankoku Ron,” even if you were to be told “for your physical and mental peace,” would you really only be able to think about yourself?

Husbands and wives, children and grandchildren, friends and lovers (I forgot about those, haha). I don’t think it’s easy to make something “just about you.”

As a result, I want the people around me to be happy and in a good mood, so my mind and body are also at peace.

But the “four tables” are not just for the benefit of one’s own narrow circle. If the people involved in the awarding of the title had been under the impression that “we are the greatest, most honorable, and righteous,” would the title have been awarded?

If we compare this to Obon, Obon is a festival in which only the monks are important, and it is tiring and cannot be carried out by the monks alone.

We want to pray for the peace of mind of those who have passed away and welcome them back. One way to do this is by chanting sutras. If peace of mind is widespread, then we, their descendants, can live peacefully. This will then be passed on to the next generation , and true “peace of mind” will come to us. With this in mind, we visit each home.
