
第33回 ご主人が帰ってきた

There is an English translation at the bottom of this article. It’s a little bit long, however, please read it when you have time.



















Obon has started at our temple today, the 1st.
In eastern Shizuoka Prefecture, Obon is held on various dates.
At Nishinobo, festivals start from the beginning of July, including Gotemba Bon from around the 23rd, Mikuriya Bon, 30th and 31st Bon (Misoka Bon), August 1st Bon (Jizo Bon), etc. Sericulture and farmers. I have heard that it is timed to coincide with the harvest season.
When someone who grew up in each region and family dies, you think, ``Oh, it's almost Obon time, so I'm sure they're preparing at home.Okay, let's use the light as a guide to go home...''
I feel like our ancestors are returning home with great enthusiasm, based on their memories and customs from this world.

We visited one family.
You can also see the faces of people who are returning home from distant workplaces for the New Obon holidays.
You can see more sweets and coffee on the Buddhist altar than last year, and it's amazing how the atmosphere of the room changes instantly when you recite the sutra and offer incense to those attending.

``My husband, who passed away, has been coming back for the past few days,'' said his wife.
After traveling to many different places, I imagine that you returned thinking, ``Ah, it's almost Obon''.

No one can prove it, but no one can deny it either.
Perhaps because of this, the eyes of those who feel this way are kind, and the people who watch them are also enveloped in a gentle feeling.
(I also get a sense of how stressful it is for humans to judge what is right or wrong.)

July calendar with a collection of Nichiren Saint's sayings.
“The mind is not meditation” (Rissho Ankokuron)
When we recite Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with the same feeling and it spreads throughout Japan, the country and land will become calm, and we will be able to live in peace not only in our bodies but also in our minds.

I feel that it would be a bit sloppy to isolate just this part of Rissho Ankoku theory and draw a conclusion.
However, I would like to tell the people I meet during Obon this year one thing for sure.

This means that we have been praying for peace since long ago, and even now in the Reiwa era.

What is peace?
In this increasingly convenient world, if there's one thing that hasn't changed, it's the feeling of being close to people who smell nostalgic and make you feel safe. What do you think?

There is no need to force yourself to express gratitude to the deceased just because it is Obon. However, when I naturally think about the peace and happiness I feel now, and I think of it, it's strange because I can imagine the face of the deceased, connected to nature and happy.
As I was sweating, reciting sutras, and vaguely looking at the smoke from the incense sticks, that's how I felt about the beginning of Obon.