
第31回 お盆のあいさつ文(仮)



There is an English translation at the bottom of this article. It’s a little bit long, however, please read it when you have time.



【そのための行動】 = 【お盆にお墓やご仏壇に手を合わせる】 とはならないのです。



育ての親 : 見返りのない愛情の返還を求めます。あなたを育てるまでに、たくさんの時間と、心労と、お金を費やしました。確かに楽しく幸せな時間でしたが、すべてが無償というわけには行きません。いくらか返して下さい。





"My (late) father can come anytime. It's not just for Obon, right?"

Just as you said, a word from a dancer. That's why he feels uncomfortable with the idea that ``I only have to do Obon.'' Honestly, I'm 43 years old and, to be honest, if I were to talk about this to my classmates, I wouldn't be able to understand them correctly.
Even if you actually feel ``thankful to your ancestors'' or ``it's because of your ancestors that we have life,''
[Action for this purpose] = [Place your hands at the grave or Buddhist altar during Obon].
In the end, deciding whether something is necessary or not may just be a matter of deciding, "Is there any benefit to me or not? If there is no benefit, what's the point?"

I can understand how efficient it is for cost performance, quality, and ◯◯. Thinking about Obon as an extension of that, is there a need to spend time, holidays, and even money on meaningless, invisible things? I feel like I can hear that voice...
So are you saying that everyone should live their lives feeling that way?
Foster Parent: Seeks return of unrequited love. I spent a lot of time, effort, and money raising you. It was definitely a fun and happy time, but not everything was free. Please give me some back.

Not in a spiritual sense, but each person has a different atmosphere or aura, such as ``they seem easy to talk to'' or ``they seem to be able to help.'' Actually, I asked a blind person about this, and it seems that there is more to the message than just appearance and tone of voice.

The saint Nichiren said, ``Fortunate is sincere and does not offend me,'' and the Lotus Sutra says, ``Remove dust.''
At first glance, we do things for others that don't make sense, such as putting our hands together to make an offering and chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. It cleanses your mind and decorates you, and also removes dirt and grime from your mind and body. Also, someone's heart becomes brighter when they see it.

It doesn't matter whether it's before or after Obon, please show your pure self to various people.