
第28回 誰かのためのメモ

There is an English translation at the bottom of this article. It’s a little bit long, however, please read it when you have time.


















Nichiren Saint's words
We should dodge it forever. This favor will be appreciated and used.
Festival festival.
I am so grateful that I will never forget it. I will repay this kindness even if I am reborn.

Like me, I celebrated my birthday on the 16th.
Come to think of it, I was appointed chief priest eight years ago in May.

Immediately after I took office, I was helped by the words of a certain executive.
“Priest, I don’t really understand what you’re saying, but I agree with you anyway.”
Starting with,
"Who is this person who is trying to disturb you, Chief Priest? I will complain on your behalf."
“Priest, I’m going to be a nuisance, so I’ll take care of the parking lot.”
"Priest, thank you for coming. I gave this money to my child, not you, so please take it home."
"Priest Chief, I'm sorry you went out of your way to show me your face. I would like to go to the temple once in a while, but thank you."

The new temple was completed in December 2020.
As if to see him through, this officer passed away on New Year's Eve.

There was a part of me that didn't want to admit to myself that I was getting older little by little.
Even though I am in the position of a monk, I feel sad and sad, saying, ``I can't believe he passed away.''
We receive life and spend it in this world, and one day the end will come. The fact is that there are no exceptions to this.
It was also the moment when I realized these things properly.

[I want to be a person who can leave a lot of good memories and good words to people]
Is this the most honest thing to say?

The world is still full of ``slander'' and ``incidents related to such disputes.''
It's not really someone else's problem.

You might not think of it as an attack because it's just a little poke, but to the person on the receiving end, it's sharp and painful. Maybe if you retaliate, you'll end up being "arrogant" and "out of touch with common sense"?
That's why I want to give people a peck that makes them laugh, and I want to spend time with friends who make me happy.

I have words that I have received from various people who have helped me at various milestones in my life.
I'm sure I'll receive some unforgettable words this past year as well, and I'll be stocking up on my thoughts and what I've learned so that I can share them with you.
(I told my child to take notes, but I also reflected on myself for not doing so.)

If you have something you would like to leave behind for your children, grandchildren, acquaintances, or relatives, why not leave it with a temple or monk?
We would like to recruit you.
It's an embarrassing thing to say face to face. If it passes through me (a temple or a monk), it will definitely become a treasure.