第53回 経験豊富なわたしたち
There is an English translation at the bottom of this article. It’s a little bit long, however, please read it when you have time
「正見邪見 利根鈍根 等雨法雨 而無懈倦」

それでも、言うは易し行うは難し。いやいやそれより、覚えておくことはもっともっとむずかしい 笑
「言辞柔軟 悦可衆心」
もしかしたら、自分の方がたくさん知っているかもしれない、長く生きているかもしれない。だからこそ、その「経験」をもって、よりにこやかに、まるやかに、人さまにものをお伝えする。することができるはずです。そのことが、お互いの懈倦・・・ストレス を、無くしてくれるにちがいありません。
覚えて帰ることができれば、そのお顔をみて喜ぶ人がいること、またそれに気づくことができた自分にお会いできるはずです。テーマは、覚えていられれば 笑
53rd: We have a lot of experience
The concept of our temple is “a temple that anyone can use and wants to use.”
A few years ago, we were happy to hear people say, “I want to hold a sutra copying event,” so we gladly started it.
We read sutras in the morning, copy sutras, listen to a little talk, enjoy tea and sweets, and then go home.
Everyone starts the afternoon feeling refreshed, and our deceased ancestors and Buddhas smile at the sight of them, and the chief priest also gains courage and energy.
Here is a little bit of a sermon from such a sutra copying event.
When the new year arrives, everyone makes new resolutions and goals.
It’s been a year since the Noto earthquake, but the new year is often a time when you can spend it in a refreshing and calm atmosphere.
So your decisions and resolutions at that time should also be true to yourself.
On the other hand, the purer your resolutions are, the more you will inevitably be bothered by the noise and attitudes of those around you. And then negative emotions such as irritation, sadness, suffering, anger, etc. are born.
There is a passage in a sutra from 2500 years ago that suggests this, uses an analogy, and guides us in the right mindset.
“Right views and wrong views, wise roots and dull roots, the same rain as the Dharma rain, yet without hesitation.”
Some people insist on what is right, say only evil things, are smart, and some are insensitive.
(These give rise to the negative emotions mentioned above)
But, just as rain falls equally, the Buddha’s teachings are given to us equally, and he is giving us hints.
In other words, we are all destined to face the same trials and situations, to a greater or lesser extent.
So let’s not be too influenced by the various things around us, but face the resolution we have made with dignity and integrity. I think this is a very noble and honorable attitude.
But still, it is easier said than done. No, no, it’s much harder to remember than that lol
So, if I could take another hint from the sutra,
“Soft words, please all living beings”
Words should be gentle and soft. They can please all living beings.
We just can’t live alone. Some people have been working since January 1st, and they can use electricity and gas.
Maybe you know more than them, or you’ve lived longer. That’s why, with that “experience,” you can communicate things to others more cheerfully and completely. You should be able to do so. This will surely eliminate both of your fatigue and stress.
Please try your best to remember this and take it home with you.
If you can remember this, you will realize that there are people who are happy to see your face, and you will be able to meet yourself who has realized this. The theme is, If you can remember it lol