
第50回 良いものだからこそ

There is an English translation at the bottom of this article. It’s a little bit long, however, please read it when you have time


題名は『鈍感力』 笑



























心に決めました。よし、まず同級生に説教しよう。僧侶だし 笑

#50 – Because it’s a good thing

I had a very sloppy sales opportunity, so I’d like to introduce it to you…but before that, I remembered that when I was working, a subordinate gave me a book as a gift.

The title was “Insensitivity” lol

As a boss, I wonder if I understood the intention behind it or not…


A classmate who is supposed to be overseas contacted me for the first time in a long time.

After a moderate exchange,

“I’ll leave out the longwindedness and ask, “Do you have an air purifier?”

Oh, it looks like he cut out my longwindedness.

“There are a lot of elderly people here, right? How about using it to protect against coronavirus and the flu?”

As a chief priest, I want to provide at least some information that is good for the temple and its parishioners, and I know that air purifiers are not bad.

He sent me a message before I could reply, even though I was quite positive.

He asked, “How big is the temple?”

I replied, “The main hall is about ◯◯ tatami mats.”

This is where the flow changes.

Same person: “It’s spacious…”

“How about one for your home? ◯◯ yen”

Me: “If it were me, would I buy it after this exchange?”

Same person: “I’m thinking of buying one.”

Same person: “How about for the nursery school?”

Same person: “For now, I haven’t explained anything about the machine, but you might want to buy it after hearing about it. Let me talk to you about it next time.”


He suddenly kicked a soccer ball and I stopped it at his feet.

You should exercise, how about soccer?

Oh, are you jogging?

Then why don’t you get your child to play soccer?

Are you not interested?

But it’s a good soccer ball, so let me explain it to you next time. Maybe you’ll want to buy it.

That’s my honest impression (and I’m a former baseball player)


I usually tell people to chant Namu Myoho Renge Kyo.

I try not to be forceful, but I think that deep down I think that “it’s better to say it, so I’m doing good things in the end,” and I’m reflecting on that.

I think the message is that because it’s a good thing, you always have to think about how to output it, how to approach it, and the words you use.

The Buddha preaches according to the capacity of each living thing.

Preaching according to the capacity of each living thing means preaching according to the capacity and environment of each living thing.

The Buddha’s kindness and compassion, wanting everything to attain nirvana, is at the root of this.

(This will get long, so I’ll go into the details another time.)

When I had an exchange with a classmate that sounded like “I want to sell it, so please buy it from me,” it’s easy to just say “I don’t need it.”

It’s based on the idea that the things and time we each offer can be useful in some way. I hope we can help make things good for sellers, good for buyers, and good for society. I made up my mind. Okay, let’s preach to my classmate f
