お経会 2025/01/31

第55回 西之坊のお葬式 その1~枕経のたいせつさ~

There is an English translation at the bottom of this article. It’s a little bit long, however, please read it when you have time




















55th Nishinobo Funeral

Part 1: The Importance of Pillow Sutras

A call from a funeral parlor.

“Excuse me, chief priest, could you please conduct one funeral for us?”

In recent years, there have been so many funerals that I, as the chief priest, would like to introduce how I, as the chief priest, handle funerals.

I hope this will be of some use to some of you.

Especially if the person is not a parishioner of Nishinobo, the first thing I ask is that I be allowed to conduct a pillow sutra if possible.

Some people may suddenly say, “I don’t want a posthumous name, I don’t do a wake, it’s too expensive,” but it’s not something that can be resolved by phone, and in fact, I would like to talk to them face to face during the pillow sutra.

Also, sutras for the deceased are still important.

This is true for me, even for those who can still hear, and for those who I haven’t seen in a while. We are both preparing to accept death.

If possible, I will look at the face of the deceased. I feel like I can get a sense of their personality when I see their face, but what I can learn even more from is the behavior of the people around them, such as their family? It’s like a habit.

The pillow sutra is basically performed at the deceased’s home or at the funeral home, or from outside.

Before going into details, I make it a rule to recite the sutra first, so I greet them and try to sit in front of the deceased.

The behavior of the family at that time. For example, if the husband has passed away

A: Someone who checks whether there are enough things around me (the priest) and moves quickly or listens to what I have to say

B: Someone who bows their head and waits quietly, and starts preparing once they sit down

There is no right or wrong in either A or B.

However, casual behavior can be a hint for giving the deceased a name.

For example, in the case of A, the father used to talk to her about things and enjoy being nosy with her father, and they spent a lot of time together. Her father was like a cute friend.

If there is a B, then the father was (used to be) a dignified person, but in recent years he has accepted the gap between his personality and his kindness towards young children, and his children respect him as a warm and supportive father.

No two patterns are the same, but the way the father treated the deceased and his affection for them really come through. You could even say that it is what the deceased was trying to communicate to them.

This has gotten long, so I’ll end it here for now.

Next time, if possible, I would like to give the father a posthumous name (kaimyo).

(It feels strange to be writing so serious all the time…)
